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Firm Foundation

Compliance updates for 2021

FFCRA Over But Not Gone—The Families First Coronavirus Response Act has ended as of December 31st, however the tax credits live on. The new relief bill recently signed no longer man-dates employers to give PTO for employees due to COVID-19 related reasons. However, there is a tax credit that could potentially help reimburse employers that voluntarily allow employees to take time off to care for a COVID-19 related family member or for themselves. For more guidance on this matter, contact us for further explanation.

California Family Rights Act—SB 1383 has amended the CFRA and reduced the employee minimum from 50 to 5. Employees for small businesses can now take advantage of up to 12 weeks leave time for serious health conditions either for themselves or for family members. SB 1383 also added to the term “family member” by including grandparents, grandchildren, siblings, and domestic partners. This took effect January 1, 2021.

CAL OSHA February 1st Action Item—AB685 took effect 1/1/2021 and grants Cal OSHA enhanced enforcement for the next 2 years. The group can now put Orders Prohibiting Use (OPU) in place and write citations for serious violations without a 15-day notice as previously stated. One other important requirement dictates that employers must post OSHA 300-A Summary Forms by 2/1/2021 in a common area where all employees can see. Contact us for assistance with Form 300-A.

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